Omnichord-Inspired Synthesizer

US Puremagnetik release Omiharp | Electronic Strum Machine      14/03/24

Puremagnetik has released Omiharp which they describe as an electronic strumming instrument inspired by the legendary 1981 Suzuki Omnichord, capable of playing enchanting sounds across a spectrum of timbres.

Going beyond the original Omnichord, Omiharp uses an advanced physically-modeled plucking voice with a series of timbre controls. This voice is then arpeggiated through a tremolo and delay circuit. Puremagnetik has extended this functionality to include various strum and finger picking patterns. You can choose from the classic up and down patterns but also choose up and down, thumb first, "mirror" and random strumming modes.

Omiharp Features:

• A physically-modelled "pluck" sound engine that can emulate harp and acoustic guitar sounds
• An array of tone and timbre sculpting controls
• A built-in strum pattern generator with 5 variations
• Pattern scale selection for 7 popular musical scales
• Effects include a multi-tap delay and tremolo

Minimum Requirements

• OSX 10.8 or Windows 10 x64
• Audio Units or VST/VST3 compatible audio host

Pricing and Availability:
Omiharp is $9 this month as part of Puremagnetik's monthly membership. For $9 per month ($89 annually) members get newly developed devices each month.

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