Gales - Warped Cartridge Echo

US Puremagnetik's new sound device combines vintage tape processing with digital effects      15/12/23

Puremagnetik has released Gales which they describe as a versatile sound device that combines vintage tape processing with sophisticated digital effects. They say that its microdelay matrix provides precise control over comb-filtering and analog sounds.

A spokesperson told us, "With Gales, you can create simple, smooth chorusing, deep, modulated spaces, and nostalgic wow-and-flutter effects. You can use it to manipulate audio into new and unique forms or to craft subtle spaces for your instruments in the mix." Here's more details direct from he company...

Gales Features:

• Utilizes a comb filter with micro-delay
• Features a tape filter that simulates wow and flutter "aging"
• Offers 5 adjustable parameters for filtering, chorus, and delay characteristics
• Includes a "Split" control for manipulating the left and right channels
• Includes a "Noise" fader for adding tape noise to the process.

Minimum Requirements

• OSX 10.8 or Windows 10 x64
• Audio Units or VST/VST3 compatible audio host

Pricing and Availability:
Gales is $9 this month as part of Puremagnetik's monthly membership. For $9 per month ($89 annually) members get newly developed devices each month.

More information:


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