A 22-Algorithm Cyberpunk Machine

US Puremagnetik's Quazotron Cybertronic Iterobuffer is a deep dive into '80s lofi      15/11/23

Puremagnetik tells us that their latest device brings the sounds of cyberpunk nostalgia to the desktop. They say that, crafted with a 22-algorithm stutter and lofi engine, Quazotron is a versatile machine for generating a wide range of glitchy, repeated phrases, chiptune console sounds, and much more.

A spokesperson told us, "With an 8-step modulation sequencer and a downsample foldover control, Quazotron is a deep dive into '80s lofi. An integrated 'chance' function further adds to the creative possibilities, allowing users to explore the eccentricity of classic Max Headroom-style randomness."

Minimum Requirements
• OSX 10.8 or Windows 10 x64
• Audio Units or VST/VST3 compatible audio host

Pricing and Availability:
Quazotron is $9 this month as part of Puremagnetik's monthly membership. For $9 per month ($89 annually) members get newly developed devices each month.

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