We shared Perfect Circuit's look at the rarest Dutch synth of all time a few months back, and they're here again to explain the History of the influential US audio company Eventide. This two-part exploration goes back to the formation of the company, prior to their release of the DDL 1745 Digital Delay Line, the PS 101 Instant Phaser, the Omnipressor, and the earliest commercial digital effects processor - the H910 Harmonizer.
The article travels into the 1980s with the likes of the SP2016 and H3000, with Part 2 covering the 1990s and beyond - with software and hardware releases going into the 21st century. An extensive and fascinating journey into the roots of a prominent and innovative audio company! Find Part 1 here: https://www.perfectcircuit.com/signal/eventide-history-pt1
Part 2 is here: https://www.perfectcircuit.com/signal/eventide-history-pt2
About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.