Korg Prophecy Editor For iPad & Mac

US Now available in Patch Base      20/10/21

Korg Prophecy Editor For iPad & Mac

An editor/librarian for the Korg Prophecy is now available in Patch Base, a collection of patch editors and librarians for hardware synthesizers. Here's the details direct from developer, Chadwick...

Patch Base for Mac (v1.15) and iPad (v3.21) now include editors and librarians for the Korg Prophecy, a virtual analog lead/monophonic synth released in 1995. I'd been hoping to come across one for quite awhile, and thankfully a generous fellow Texan named Jesús Navarro contacted me awhile back to offer some of his gear for testing and development! Many thanks to Jesús. This synth is capable of a wide variety of sounds, especially due to its different oscillator models, including some physical models of wind and plucked instruments. Lots of fun to be had for sound design.

Voice Editor
Edit every voice parameter on your Korg Prophecy in real-time. Adjust and fine-tune the oscillators, filter, envelopes, LFOs, and all modulation capabilities that the Prophecy offers:

  • Visualize and edit all of the dozens of parameters in a Prophecy voice, without diving into the menus on the synth.
  • See the parameters for the chosen oscillators in a voice only, to help focus and understanding of how each oscillator works.
  • Easy modulation routing, with LFOs and Envelopes available for editing next to any parameter you want to modulate.
  • Copy/paste/randomize/init envelopes for ease of editing

Arp Editor
Edit and save any of the 10 user-defined Arpeggiator sequences, with quick access to every arp step and parameter.

Global Editor
Edit any of the Global parameters easily, including the custom User Scales, program change mappings, and controller mappings.

Bank Editor
Edit and organize the Prophecy's 2 voice banks and single arpeggiator bank. Patch Base gives you direct access to organize them and back them up to files on your device.

Patch Librarian

  • Save your patches and banks as files on your iPad or Mac: Patch Base saves files as sysex that can be sent to your synth by Patch Base or any general-purpose sysex transfer app.
  • Organize your sounds: Create folders to organize your patches and banks.
  • iCloud integration: Optionally use iCloud to make your patch files accessible on any iCloud-connected device, and to automatically sync files between Patch Base on Mac and iPad.
  • Import sysex files: Import existing patch and bank sysex files to Patch Base. On Mac, simply drop your files into the Patch Base browser. On iPad, easily import using iCloud or the Files app.

Pricing and Availability:
See website.

More information:



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