Wipeout 2097: The Making of an Iconic PlayStation Soundtrack

US NoClip explore the PSX classic with Tim Wright      11/06/24

NoClip is renowned fo their video game documentaries, and so here we have a match made in heaven - covering the music of Wipeout 2097 and it's phenomenal impact on 90s culture. They cover the story of a very special era of game development with inserts from Tim Wright's point of view, the man otherwise known as CoLD SToRAGE. Wipeout was made by Psygnosis, and was part of a huge cultural change which made video games cool - seamlessly merging with the rave and clubbing scenes of the day. 

Tim also went on to develop the Music 2000 DAW for the Playstation, as covered by BadGear recently! Here is the original OST...

I interviewed Tim Wright and we discussed more on Wipeout a few years ago. Below is a clip - the full interview is here

And if you want more Wipeout fun, check out this Model Viewer https://phoboslab.org/wipeout/

More from Noclip - Video Game Documentaries

Listen to the music of CoLD SToRAGE.here: https://www.coldstorage.org.uk/

About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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