Waldorf M 1.10 RC3 brings new oscillators & more!

US Exciting new features for Waldorf's big blue      08/06/24

Waldorf M 1.10 RC3 brings new oscillators & more!

Developer Vladi has truly outdone himself this time. After 1.10 release candidate 2 fixed a number of issues (like digital Filter FM that now truly sings - in series with a true analogue lowpass!) M fans like myself were both excited & grateful. RC2 formed the basis of my deep-dive video, viewable here:

There sure have been some bombshell firmware updates for the M (digi-filters, sample playback, quirky modulators like coin-flip and noise) and now, RC3 promises to significantly extend the scope of the machine.

The major changes from 1.10 RC2 are : 
- Added simple MPE support (simple now, yet effective)
- Added third oscillators mode - algorithmic oscillator mode
- Added modulation capabilities for the Extra parameter of digital filters
- Fixed minor performance issues

The major changes to FW 1.09, apart of above
- MIDI Clock much more stable now
- DSP Performance issues fixed
- FM filters for modern mode fixed.

I myself had asked for a way to modulate the "extra" parameter of the digital filters - allowing an envelope or LFO to control the amount of waveshaping or FM, but I doubt anyone thought that algorithmic oscillators would be coming to M! Speaking on gearspace, Vladi gave the following details:

There 4 algorithms implemented : 

M VA - M Virtual Analog. It generates 3 waveforms simultaneously - Saw, Pulse, Triangle. The parameter Wave regulates mix of these 3 waveforms, next way - from 0 to 32 is crossfading between saw and pulse, from 33 to 63 is crossfading between pulse and triangle. Parameter META set the pulse width (5%-50%) mapped on 0-127 range of META parameter.

CSAW - CS-80 Saw - adaptation of CS-80 Saw from Braids. Wave parameter regulates the width of the "overpeak" in the beginning of sawtooth from 0 to 5%, mapped on 0-63 of Wave parameter.

FOLD - Wavefolding osc - OSC is feeded into Wavefolder. Based on one of the Braids with some changes. Wave parameter control crossfade between sawtooth and triangle, and META parameter controls Waveshaper's depth.

3 SAW - 3xSawtooth - A stack of 3 sawtooth, mutually detuned (<,0,>). Parameter Wave regulates a mix of the 0th (i.e. not-detuned, aka middle) saw with another two. Parameter META regulates detune between saws. Used for emulate supersaw.

Digital VCFs are all enabled for this mode. Ring Mod & Hard sync are also enabled for this mode.

Vladi also shared a video from development, getting lost in the MPE.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to update my M!

Posted by MagicalSynthAdventure an expert in synthesis technology from last Century and Amiga enthusiast.

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