Michigan Synth Works are an interesting company. Previously they've sold Eurorack sequencers, MIDI controllers and clones of niche classic synths like the Pearl SY-1 Syncussion and the Roland CMU-810 (an MC202 in a sexy/bleak beige computer box).
Now they've taken on the mighty Ambika from Mutable instruments. This 2012 concoction is kind of akin to a modern Ensoniq ESQ1, gritty digital waves through Analogue filters, only there are even more options in each respective area. On the analogue side, there's a choice of which filters are installed (perhaps a Roland-inspired 4 pole, or a multimode SVF) and digital-wise; many different waveforms including VA, wavetables, FM, vocal & "bitwise anarchy"(!)
The synth has been available for some time hand-built, from many builders; people who make small batches of these open-source synths and sell them via Etsy or eBay. Being open-source, many case styles have been available. Usually, a clear plastic Ambika would set you back around £300, still very good value for a Hybrid Poly, with a metal-cased version coming in at closer to £500. This sweet demo features the metal version, and gives you an idea of the user-interface experience:
Now, in a move that may upset many smaller builders, Michigan Synth Works are opening pre-orders for their Xena, a re-worked, machine-assembled Ambika in a metal-case for a mere £323. It's a nice looker and the sub-£350 price bracket might take it into "Christmas pressie for myself" territory.
Here's what M.S.W. have to say:
Xena is a rework of the legendary Mutable Instruments Ambika DIY synthesizer. Now fully machine assembled with an updated layout and an improved modern power supply. Available with all original 3 voice cards and compatible with 3rd part operating systems.
Xena Features:
It should be stated that M.S.W. are not offering Xena with the most exotic of Ambika's voice cards, the wild & interesting Polivoks filter. So you'll still have to ask your local eccentric tinkerer to build you one of those:
You can find out more about Michigan Synth Works and their cool designs here:
Posted by MagicalSynthAdventure an expert in synthesis technology from last Century and Amiga enthusiast.