Arturia yesterday released their _EFX Motions plug-in which on the surface is a comprehensive multi-fx processor. However even a cursory exploration reveals that its got a lot going on.
As well as the on board FX, automation and clock based modulators can be used to create some incredibly complex time locked FX,
Modulation sources include: LFO, Envelope, Envelope follower, Step Sequencer, Beat Repeat and Function generators, its designed for modulation.
The signal flow can be frequency dependent, allowing processing of a specific frequency band which can then be passed into modules for: Filter, Noise Generator, Drive, Volume, Pan and Repeat/FX which also includes delay, reverb, EQ and more distortion.
It can add movement and animation to pads, beats, bass, voice and any number of input source materials, transforming the mundane or static into really complex sounds.
Tim Cant takes a look around and gives us his impressions of this impressive new FX plug-in.
_EFX Motions is currently on offer for €79 from €99, available via the Arturia website: