Worlds Longest Electronic Music Live Set

US Reinier Zonneveld at the Karren Maar Festival      08/08/23

Worlds Longest Electronic Music Live Set

Reinier Zonneveld has just broken the world record for longest ever live electronic music set, playing Techno to the crowds at Karren Maar Festival in the Netherlands for over 11 hours. His set began in the afternoon, at 12:49 pm and ended on the strike of midnight, making the set 11 hours and 11 minutes long. Here are his words on the event:

"Karren Maar festival was an extraordinary journey of sound and connection. Playing for 11 hours and 11 minutes allowed me to deep dive into the essence of my music, exploring uncharted territories of emotion and energy," 


Here are a whole host of other musical world records, including the 'Most Vocal Edits In One Song', 'Most Top Ten Hits From One Album', and 'Longest Cheer/Most Glow Sticks Lit Simultaneously'

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About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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