Cycling '74 tells us that RNBO is a new patcher where everything you patch can be exported to web experiences, hardware music devices, audio plugins, and new Max objects that all remain true to their source. They say that you can create websites, custom guitar pedals, audio plugins, custom Max objects, and much more from a single patch, and that you can also generate efficient, self-contained C++ code to bring your work into other software projects. Here's more details from the company...
This journey started almost seven years ago, when we set out to find a way for Max to push beyond the confines of desktop software. Since Max was first created, technology has continued to evolve and new contexts for music software have emerged such as the web browser, mobile, and embedded hardware.
In exploring these new frontiers, it was important for us to hold onto and carry forward the familiar Max patching experience, so that it could be quickly adopted by Max users. The result of these efforts arrives today in the form of RNBO.
We're excited to share this latest addition to Max, and to discover what is possible now that the world is a little more patchable.
Pricing and Availability:
See website.
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