Stekker 2015: Mark Verbos

US Mark talks philosophy of his designs      29/07/15

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Mark Verbos is known throughout the synth community for his work on vintage Buchla systems, he has also designed his own custom modules to work with the Buchla system.

If anyone is well placed to bring some of the Buchla philosophy to the eurorack market then surely it is Mark.

Built from designs focussed on discrete transistor circuits, hardware CMOS logic and other vintage electronics design techniques. Marks modules have very unique character, that has not been seen on the market.

In this video Mark sits in a room that was hotter than the surface of the sun and explains some of the choices he made when designing his modules and the philosophy behind those choices.

Watching Mark work throughout the week it is clear to see that he has a passion and knowledge of synthesizers that vastly out weighs anyone I have met before. I also saw him completely convert people to the modular way of working in a matter of minutes.

Edd Butterworth



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