Soundiron tells us that their Street Bukit is a fully-playable multi-sample library of classic urban DIY street performers' bucket drum kit pieces. Here's their description of it...
"This ubiquitous style of home-made and found-sound percussion can be seen in action on busy street corners and parks in cities around the world. You'll find large and small plastic buckets, pots, pans and other scrap and found objects arranged into a rough sort of drum kit, played aggressively with marching drum sticks, brushes, mallets, hands and feet. Most well-known is the unique "kick drum" and "wah" effects that street drummers produce by deftly lifting and dropping the edge of a large bucket with the side of their foot. This kit is ideal for crafting highly nuanced rhythms, grooves and cadences ranging from drum corps and breakbeat, to drum n' bass, industrial and tribal grooves.
With our man on the street Brad Halverson, we recorded dozens of different articulation and instrument types with 10 or more round-robins per velocity. We recorded this library in three different natural live environments: City Street, Garage and Bedoom to capture the signature sound of this street drummer's power collection in its native environment just as it was intended. As a special bonus, we've included a collection of high-fidelity live urban environmental field recordings and soundscapes to put you right there in the mix. And as always, we went back to the raw source recordings and warped them into an array of custom ambiences, atmospheres, drones and pad FX instruments.
We've also included a full featured mult-effects rack system, with chorus, flange, delay, multiple distortions, compression, EQ, amp/speaker simulation and convolution reverb, featuring 70 of our most popular custom recorded cathedrals, rooms, chambers, halls and unique experimental impulses.
We've built it all into a powerful custom interface giving you full control over every your sound, while keeping it easy to jump right in and play straight out of the bucket. You can load up one of the three main Ensemble banks with everything at your fingertips, or try the Solo presets to create your own dual-layered tuned-percussion instruments with tons of different sound sets to choose from. And check out our exclusive Megamixer system that lets you build and tweak your own custom 8-piece DIY kit and play it live with your keyboard or drum midi controller."
Street Bukit is 2.4 GB installed and includes 4,105 Samples, with 22 Kontakt presets (w/ 11 Kontakt 4 legacy presets). It's a standard open-format library with fully accessible wavs, so it requires the full version of Kontakt. The free Kontakt Player does not support this open format.
Pricing and Availability:
On sale for $47 through July 12th, 2013. The price goes to $59 after the current sale ends.
More information:
Complex arrangements with musical rules