MESSE09:TC Helicon VoiceLive 2 Demo

US Vocal processor and some      06/04/09

Sorry this is a flash video which has been depreciated, we're working on bringing the archives back online.

5:11 mins

Always a pleasure to hear Laura Clapp sing, and especially so when it's through this amazing piece of technology. The VoiceLive2 we saw at NAMM earlier this year, when we talked to Thom Lang who knows all about the insides – but unfortunately it wasn't ready to be heard. At this MESSE, I managed to grab some time with Laura to give me an idea of what the VL2 is capable of, and I like. I'm still astonished by the realtime processing power of this thing – the fact that it can extract pitch and chord information out of an audio input – guitar or even entire backing tracks and apply that to a second real-time input – the voice is pretty cool. Available May 15th.
T. C. Electronic Social

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