WNAMM08: Sonic State Go To NAMM

US Full coverage of the show starts here      17/01/08

WNAMM08: Sonic State Go To NAMM
Nick and Andy taking the video gear to a previous show

It’s that time of year again. Yep, the 2008 NAMM Show starts today Thursday 17th of january at the Anaheim Convention Center, California, USA and runs for four days. The Sonic State news and video crew are now safely ensconced in Anaheim and will be there just as soon as the doors open to bring you the latest on all the new gear and advances in music technology.
We’ll be starting off by bringing you the written news as soon as we get it. As the whole video editing process takes some time, videos will follow later but we hope to have something online by the second day of the show and loads more in the days following.
All the stories and vids will appear as normal in the Sonic State news but there is also a dedicated NAMM show page:

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