Nils Frahm Live at the Philharmonie de Paris

US ARTE Concert with glass harmonica, synths, and more      13/06/24

Nils Frahm is clearly one of the most talented musicians fusing electronic and acoustic instruments - his concerts and live performances are as captivating as they are moving. During the performance, he plays a host of instruments to create a serene and evocative landscape of sound, vastly contrasting to the chaotic and feverish goings on in 2024. Lush! 

Here's the video description translated:  

In front of an audience in heaven, Nils Frahm displays all the genius of his neoclassical universe at the Philharmonie de Paris. A concert punctuated by Day, a fifteenth album released in 2024. Merging neoclassical and electro music, pianist Nils Frahm has taken us on a musical odyssey that is both soaring and dancing since the mid-2000s. In doing so, he opened the way for an entire generation of artists adept at hybridization and became the object of rare fervor, both of his bets, of critics and of the general public.

Creator of Piano Day and adept at improvisation, the German virtuoso evolves on stage between keyboards, instruments (percussion, glass harmonica, etc.) and machines to deliver compositions of vibrant elegance, like the songs from Music for Animals, a pure ambient opus released in 2022. In the lair of the Philharmonie de Paris, at the controls of an impressive sound vessel, the forty-year-old deploys his sophisticated spells, between new releases from the Day album and a review of the classics. A flawless one.

1:15 - Harmonium in the Well
12:00 - Fundamental Values
30:02 - Briefly
48:03 - Unknown
59:18 - Spells
1:11:26 - Our Own Roof
1:21:35 - Hammers

Filmed on March 21, 2024 at the Philharmonie de Paris. [AVAILABLE UNTIL 10/06/2027] 

More from Nils Frahm:

ARTE Concert Website 

About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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