SUPERBOOTH 2024: Play All Day - Playfader Performance Sequencer

US Speak and spell aesthetics make playing with your fader fun      18/05/24

At Superbooth 2024, Hadj from Play All Day introduced the Playfader, a two-channel CV and MIDI sequencer and looper designed for live jamming. This innovative device features faders for voltage control, play buttons for gates, and ratchets for creating intricate rhythms. The Playfader's interface is optimized for on-the-fly experimentation, with top row settings and bottom row action buttons. The display, reminiscent of old speak-and-spell screens, provides clear communication and a retro aesthetic.

Hadj emphasized the Playfader's versatility, with the ability to control Eurorack, MIDI synths, and more, all from one device. In addition, the Playfader's sustainable design includes a recycled plastic case and a power cable that allows users to power the device from a variety of sources. The development team created a powerful and intuitive interface that encourages experimentation and play. The Playfader is now available for purchase and comes with a free tutorial for early adopters.

Playfader Price: 399 USD

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