Soma Labs Flux - New Instrument Presentation

US No touch, highly expressive      13/05/24

Soma Laboratory's unconventional design is a major factor in why their instruments  are so unique. We take a look at the latest instrument Flux - which takes a lot of inspiration from the no touch approach of the original Theremin.  However with the use of small magnets in each had there are five control axis per hand and up to 16 controllable parameters.
The instrument is loosely based on the Terra synthesis concept and features 37 digital algorithms which are  treated like individual instruments with their own timbral characteristics.

The right hand controls the pitch, dynamic, octave and tilt (for timbral control) and the left hand controls more of the timbral character with a considerable amount of tonal range possible.

We talked with *Vlad Kreimer* who gave us an over view of how  Flux works.
The first batch of production units will be going out later this year and the price they are aiming for is in the region of 1000 Euros + tax (final price TBD)
More information at


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