At NAMM 2024, the Sonic State team caught up with the Mr. Venus Theory at the PSP Audio booth. We had a look at the InfiniStrip plugin, known for its modular channel strip capabilities. Venus Theory highlighted the convenience of parameter matching across different modules, emphasizing the ease of trying out various EQs without tedious adjustments. InfiniStrip has a new addition, the Old Timer Module, based on one of PSP's favourite compressors. Demonstrated on the master track, the Old Timer Module showcased its signature gluey compression, adding a distinct character to the audio.
We then looked at PSP Console Q. While maintaining its classic functionality, the plugin now boasts a built-in spectrum analyzer, providing users with a visual aid for precision in treating audio. Lastly, Mr. Venus Theory introduced the upcoming release, BB Delay, a bucket brigade delay plugin. Exploring its controls and features, such as a texture knob for creating bucket brigade-style reverbs, he demonstrated its applications, from gritty echoes to expansive reverberations. BB Delay will be available Summer 2024, price TBC.
Console Q Price: 69 USD
InfiniStrip Price: 199 USD