Spitfire Supplies Solina String Synth Sounds

US Latest free LABS instrument focuses on the Solina String Ensemble      09/08/21

Spitfire Audio has released another free LABS instrument. Synth Strings offers Solina String Ensemble sounds and is available as a VST2, VST3, AAX and AU plug-in so it can be used directly in your DAW.

A spokesperson told us, "These classic synth textures have been created from the infamous Solina String Ensemble -- a 70s string synthesiser, used on countless iconic disco and rock records. From fuzzy, warm vibrations to bright stabs that cut through the mix, LABS Synth Strings has been recorded at Spitfire HQ by Harry Wilson & Hannah Roberts-Owen, and comes complete with sampled modulation and processed pads -- equally at home on a Herbie-style record as it is on a Blade Runner-style blockbuster template."

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