Kenton Announces Pro CV to MIDI Convertor

US Capture the output of any CV-equipped analogue instrument and convert it to MIDI      22/08/17

Kenton Announces Pro CV to MIDI Convertor

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Kenton Electronics has announced the immediate availability of Pro CV to MIDI, a unit that takes any analogue control voltage (CV) signal – pitch, pitchbend, modulation, etc – and converts it to MIDI. Pro CV to MIDI will appeal particularly to modular synth fans, but it's compatible with any CV-equipped instrument, from your classic synth or analogue sequencer to your Theremin. You can use it to trigger a digital synth with an analogue keyboard, for example, or control a MIDI module with that Theremin. Here's more details direct from Kenton...

PRO CV to MIDI is a high-specification, fully configurable control voltage-to-MIDI converter that tracks pitch control voltages with incredible accuracy. It supports the industry standard Volt/Octave system, the 1.2V/Octave system used by EML and Buchla, and the Hz/Volt system used by Korg and Yamaha. The unit also features pitchbend, modulation and non-quantised continuous tracking, and two user-assignable auxiliary CV inputs.

Pro CV to MIDI boasts a super fast response time, and Kenton's famous build quality makes it a robust solution for any studio. The high-spec 16-bit A-to-D convertor enables rock steady pitch conversion, and the unit houses controls for selecting MIDI channel, CV scaling system, or V-trig/S-trig gate types. Other features include auto tune, adjustable fine tune, transpose (up to +/-24 semitones), adjustable pitchbend range (up to +/-48 semitones), and clock-to-MIDI conversion. Rear panel connections comprise CV/Gate and Aux inputs on 3.5mm mono jack sockets, and a MIDI Out port. The non-volatile EEPROM memory does away with the need for a backup battery, and a plug top power supply is included.

Pricing and Availability:
PRO CV to MIDI is available now for £136.92 inc VAT (£114.10 ex VAT)

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