Superbooth 17: The Behringer Model D Exclusive First Look and Listen

US Literally just out of the box      21/04/17

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We heard rumours that the controversial Model D from Behringer would be here, and it arrived literally minutes ago. We were there to see the team unpack it straight from the courier, no real time to setup and test, so hats off tot hem to let us take a listen.

So impressions are, its quite small, but not fiddly, more CV io than we expected, with an expected price of around $399. Still some way off but its looking close to use. Imagine there will be a few kinks to iron out, but essentially what you see here is it.

Couldn't get a really close evaluation of THAT filtert sound given the time contraints, but the oscillators seem to have a decent girth to them.

What do you think?

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