Soundtrack Loops Releases Loop Theory : Trip Hop

US 6 construction kits for producing Trip Hop, Downtempo, Chill Out and Glitch Hop      15/03/12

Soundtrack Loops Releases Loop Theory : Trip Hop

Soundtrack Loops has announced Loop Theory : Trip Hop, which they say is for producing Trip Hop, Downtempo, Chill Out, and Glitch Hop. There are 6 construction kits, 82 loops, 6 mixed tracks, and 58 drum one-shots.
Construction kit folders contain harps, basses, pads, Rhodes, electric piano, acoustic piano, bells, hi hats, kicks, snares, percussion, and more. Each file name is labeled with tempo and key info.
The one-shots are loose in a folder and in three sampler formats; NN-XT format for Propellerheads Reason users, Native Instruments Battery format and EXS24 format for Logic Pro users. Additionally, there are Looptastic loop packs and NanoStudio TRG-16 Drum Kits for iOS devices.
Formats (24bit / 44.1kHz Stereo):
  • Apple-looped .aif.
  • ACIDized .wav.
  • Recycle .rx2.
  • Ableton Live .alp.
  • NanoStudio TRG-16.
  • NI Battery.
  • NN-XT.
  • EXS24.
  • Reason .rfl.
  • Looptastic .loop.
Pricing and Availability:
$15 More information:

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