Endlesss Is Closing Down - Sad News

US Get your music out by May 31st      25/05/24

It is with heavy hearts that we report the closure of Endlesss (endlesss.fm), a platform that aimed to be a significant part of the collaborative music-making community. Since its launch in 2019, Endlesss has provided musicians with a real-time, collaborative jamming ecosystem, enabling creativity and connection among artists worldwide.

Fueled by Tim Exile's energy and passion, Endlesss appeared poised to become a lasting community. Sadly, the platform has announced that its servers will shut down on May 31st, 2024. Users are encouraged to download any music they have created on the platform before this date, as it will no longer be available, and the apps will cease to function.

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Tim Exile, known for his innovative musical creations, introduced ENDLESSS as a new iteration of his Flow Machine. This tool allowed musicians to experiment and create unique loops collaboratively. Read more 


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It's always sad to see a company close its doors, especially one as innovative as Endlesss. Tim Exile is an enthusiastic and driven individual, and we look forward to seeing his future projects. Remember, if you have any music on the Endlesss.fm servers or in the app, make sure to download it before the end of the month (May 31st, 2024).


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