SUPERBOOTH 2024: Paulee's Picks

US Weird stuff that stood out!      21/05/24

SUPERBOOTH 2024: Paulee's Picks

Like many people, I sadly couldn't make it to Superbooth, but I was watching with interest from afar. Here's 5 creations that really stood out to me!

Oberheim - TEO-5

What's so wild about the new everyman's state-variable Polysynth? Thru-zero FM in the Polyphonic Domain! Check out Calc's sweep at 12:46, and marvel at how, well, musical it is! When you think about how deep the modulation territory is on this new class of instruments,'ll be able to create tones (and overtones) that defy categorisation and almost sound hybrid.


First Love FM Synth

Look, I don't need any more FM synthesizers, I've got DX's and SY's, Nord G1's, Mega Synthesis and all sorts of wild FM implementations, some in Eurorack. But this baby, wow! The Akai-come-Nintendo colour scheme, vector-wave wonderland graphics and novel control scheme have me sold!



I've always loved BASTL, from their earlier cute Microgranny & Trinity devices to their recent releases (I love my Skis II, who else is going to make a 5HP dual VCA/envelope?) - Crust stuck out because of it's appealing, hard-edged drum tonality, plus the fact you can modulate it for kick and snare on one output, kind of like how old System 100 drums were recorded! Great stuff.


Wee Noise Makers PGB1

This tiny green game-console of a synth seems to offer a bunch of portable power. Multiple synth engines and sequencer tracks combine to create something that looks very appealing to on-the-go music makers. The UI and screen look pretty straightforward; I'd have to give this one a go to see if the form factor fits with my workflow. Exciting.


Syntonie Cadrans Video Synth

Well this is a bit different! My interest in Amiga extends to vintage video effects - the kaleidoscope of colours you'd traditionally create using old computers, genlocks and time-base converters. Here's some of that technicolor spirit in a modern form - it should add great visual appeal to live performances!

I'm already making plans to attend Superbooth 2025, so see you next year!

Posted by MagicalSynthAdventure an expert in synthesis technology from last Century and Amiga enthusiast.

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