SUPERBOOTH 2024: U-He - Zebralette Soft Synth

US The Zebralette gets a dark mode      18/05/24

At Superbooth 2024 we met up with Urs Heckmann of U-He, and he told us about the progress of varous products, some of which are ready, and some which are in the pipeline. He started by showing us Zebralette, which now gets a dark mode, which is good for people who don't want to strain their eyes. Zebralette is still a work in progress, but Urs said he hoped the next beta of Zebralette wouldn't be too far away now.

Urs also showed us an oscilloscope, which is also still in progress, and is similar to the oscilloscope in Hive, but as a stand alone app, with zoom, freeze and you can zoom down to a single cycle, and even down to sample level. You can save what you see as a wave file, which promises to be very useful.

For more information and updates on the progress of the new products go to the U-He website.

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