SUPERBOOTH 2024: Arturia - Polybrute 12 Polysynth

US The Polybrute but with more voices and MPE      16/05/24

At Superbooth 2024, we met up with Sebastien from Arturia unveiled the new flagship polyphonic analog synth, the Polybrute 12. With 12 voices and a new MPE-capable polyphonic aftertouch keybed designed specifically by Arturia, the Polybrute 12 is noticably larger than the original, and is a major upgrade offering an enhanced range of sound and modulation possibilities. Sebastian emphasized the expressive nature of the instrument, demonstrating the Full Touch mode which senses the key travel from the top to the bottom of the keypress. Original Polybrute features like morphing between patches and the Morphe XYZ controller and the lovely wooden ribbon controller are all present and correct. The Arturia-built Keybed must be the standout feature, however, bringing extreme expressivity to your playing.

The Polybrute 12's enhanced capabilities over the original Polybrute include larger unisons, ideal for creating layered soundscapes, and innovative touch envelope modes that allow for dynamic and precise control over each note.

Polybrute 12 Price 3,999 Euros


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