Alternative Manual For Pulsar-23

US SynthDawg and Soma explain things a little differently      19/07/22

Alternative Manual For Pulsar-23

The Pulsar-23 drum machine is an incredible piece of kit, with a multitude of routing options and playback modes for some truly unique and mesmerizing sounds. Now Soma Laboratories and SynthDawg have come together to re-write the rule book... I mean manual, for easier to understand and simpler guidance on using it's incredible feature set. Here it is in their words:

Together with SynthDawg we created an alternative manual for Pulsar-23! The manual describes Pulsar's functions and features deeper, yet also simpler and in more detail, to help you better grasp this complex machine and find your own way in the patching realm. It's meant as a supplement to the existing SOMA Quick Start Guide and User Manual and presents a different perspective to learning some of the more unique and advanced features that Pulsar-23 offers. In the manual we also provide ample space for making notes and jotting down your own ideas and thoughts for future reference.


Here's our review on its release: 

Download the manual here:


About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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