Exploring The SOMA Pulsar-23 Filters

US Various techniques to tame the beast      10/04/22

The SOMA Labs Pulsar-23 is a described as an orgasmic Drum Machine by it's creator, Vlad Kreimer. It's semi modular nature is comprised of 23 individual sections, making for some hugely experimental sounds. In this video, youtuber Dexba goes through some methods to make the machine more mellow - taming it's wild nature. Here is his own explanation: 

I offer you some little insights on how I use the Pulsar, and lately, I've been mostly using it way less as a drum machine and way more as a tonal instrument, like a more capable, 4-voices Lyra. In this video, we're gonna explore a little bit what we can do with filters, while I collect some more ideas for other little tutorials on specific topics.


It's a well described and demonstrated video showing a calmer side of the semi-modular monster. More videos from Dexba here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChSXpBmIcomfkks9oAXGVyQ

We recently reviewed the SOMA Labs 8-Bit Rumble of Ancient Times:



About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.

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