Free Plug-In Modulates Multiple Parameters

US Caelum Audio releases Flux Mini 2      03/05/22

Caelum Audio says that Flux Mini 2 is an audio effect that adds life, character and dynamism to your tracks. They tell us that the customisable graph creates a shape which can be used to modulate filter cutoff, filter resonance, amplitude and mix. Here's more details in their own words...

Just create a shape on the graph and set your desired amount of modulation using the depth slider beneath each parameter to hear great rhythmic effects.

Pre-loaded with 20 presets to get you going, it won't be long before you've built a plethora of shapes to accentuate your fantastic music.

Now control multiple parameters at once, fix the graph to milliseconds as well as the host tempo, output the graph as MIDI CC messages and control the shape of curves with 2 control points!

From simple side-chains to manic modulations, sculpt some life into your sounds - flux it up and have some fluxing fun!


  • Modulate multiple parameters: Cutoff, Resonance, Amp and Mix.
  • 3 filter modes: Low-pass, high-pass and band-pass.
  • Create custom modulation shapes with the graph.
  • Synced modulation with your DAW.
  • MIDI triggering.
  • Output graphs as MIDI CC.

Pricing and Availability:
Free download. Donations welcomed.

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