Following on from Abbey Road One: Film Scoring Selections, Spitfire Audio has released Abbey Road Two: Iconic Strings. This is the story in their own words...
Abbey Road Studios has welcomed Spitfire Audio into the most famous recording venue in the world, Studio Two, to capture a very special string sound for the first time ever.
The scene of legendary recordings by The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Adele, Ella Fitzgerald, Oasis and many more, Studio Two at Abbey Road has been at the centre of popular music and media productions since it first opened its doors in 1931. The sound of strings recorded in this sought-after studio is truly iconic, from Eleanor Rigby through to countless AAA film and TV scores. For the first time ever, this remarkable, versatile sound will be made available to composers. Whether composing for pop or film, music-makers will find inspiration in this timeless sound.
Abbey Road Two: Iconic Strings captures five of the world's best players, recorded by GRAMMY-winning engineer Sam Okell (The Beatles - Remastered) using a mouth-watering array of microphones and recording equipment from the studio's unparalleled collection. With stunningly realistic legatos, fully-configurable ensembles and two editions to choose from, Iconic Strings puts the most sought-after string sound in music history in the hands of composers worldwide. Accept no imitations.
Following In The Footsteps Of Legends
If the walls of Studio Two could talk, they would speak of all the musical advances made in this magical space. Studio Two has a history like no other, and continues to influence the music industry after almost a century of work. It comes as no surprise then that Studio Two remains one of the most in-demand recording venues in the world, a hallowed space where some of the most legendary artists, engineers and musicians have produced the most inspiring albums and scores of our times.
From the beginnings of stereo and the big bands of the '30s and '40s, to the swinging '60s, and standout pop recordings from The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Shirley Bassey, through to Kate Bush and Oasis, and more modern acts like Dave, Adele, Frank Ocean, Woodkid, Radiohead, Wolf Alice and Kanye West. Also the scores for AAA film, TV and games, from world famous composers like Alexandre Desplat, Anne Nikitin, Carter Burwell, Steven Price and Kazuma Jinnouchi, have all etched themselves into the illustrious history of Abbey Road's Studio Two.
The Sought-After Signal PathThe unique sonic fingerprint of Studio Two simply cannot be replicated elsewhere due to its combination of controlled acoustics and one-of-a-kind equipment, refined over 90 years of innovation. From the vintage J37 tape machine to the dizzying array of microphones, this is the first time the sought-after signal path has been made available in a virtual string instrument.
Abbey Road: Two Iconic Strings delivers a selection of modern and vintage microphones and mixes engineered by Grammy-award-winning engineer Sam Okell. The Vintage mixes capture what many music lovers think of as Studio Two, recorded using the vintage REDD desk, parallel compression from the RS124 and all passed through the J37 tape machine. This chain was inspired and influenced by the iconic Studio Two recordings using this exact one-of-a-kind equipment.
Iconic Strings comes in two editions, a Core and Professional. The Core edition covers the essential microphone mixes, one vintage and one modern, whereas the Professional edition offers a broadcast level of 12 signals, perfect for any composer for modern scoring.The 12 Signals found inside The Professional edition, feature four world class mixes, two vintage and two modern, and eight mic positions allowing composers the chance to customise their sound even further, a deep dive into Abbey Road Studios' mic cupboard. They can explore all the classic microphones including the very same Neumann u47s, KM54 and M50s used on those iconic sessions from the 60s and many more.
Both editions allow composers access to the coveted Studio Two Echo Chamber, an effect well known for the part it has played in the classic productions from the studio's history.
Ground-breaking Playability And Versatility
Abbey Road Two: Iconic Strings captures the sounds of five of London's top string players (V1, V2, Va, Cello, Bass) down to the tiniest detail. The library offers composers the choice between highly detailed composition and easy-to-use technology that assists in the writing process. A brand-new feature -- The Arranger -- offers a tailored approach to writing with ensemble techniques. It gives composers a newfound freedom to control the instrument ranges within the string band, helping them to arrive at more nuanced performance quickly.
Another intrinsic part of Iconic Strings is the all-new legatos programming. Incredibly detailed and of the highest quality, these legatos represent a significant step forward in quality and realism, building on Spitfire Audio's 15 years of experience in sampling.
Both editions include Slurred legato and a Performance legato (including Slurred, Alt Attacks and Fast Runs). The Performance legatos offer an intuitive and expressive playing experience, allowing for more emotive lines while being highly detailed and versatile. In addition Iconic Strings Professional features a Portamento legato, which offers an extremely expressive transition.
Pricing and Availability:
ABBEY ROAD TWO: ICONIC STRINGS is available for a time-limited promo price of £199.00 GBP (inc. VAT)/$229.00 USD/€229.00 EUR (inc. VAT) until January 6, 2022 -- returning thereafter to its RRP (Recommended Retail Price) of £249.00 GBP (inc. VAT)/$299.00 USD/€299.00 EUR (inc. VAT).
ABBEY ROAD TWO: ICONIC STRINGS PROFESSIONAL is available for a time-limited promo price of £349.00 GBP (inc. VAT)/$399.00 USD/€399.00 EUR (inc. VAT) until January 6, 2022 -- returning thereafter to its RRP of £449.00 GBP (inc. VAT)/$499.00 USD/€499.00 EUR (inc. VAT).
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