Corsynth VC Noise / Lo-Fi Machine In Action

US C105 MKII module is a voltage controlled analog sample rate reducer and a VC Noise generator      01/03/19

Corsynth has posted a YouTube video demo with patch examples of their C105 VC Noise / Lo-Fi Machine MKII, a Eurorack module which they describe as a voltage controlled analog sample rate reducer and a VC Noise generator. This is what they have to say about it...

This new MKII version expands the modules possibilities with new features that allows this module to be used in other ways not possible with the previous version. Now the C105 MKII can be used like a traditional sample and hold , a voltage controlled clock generator , a random gate / trigger generator or a 12 db VC High pass filter and even as a square wave VCO.

The C105 new characteristics are :

  •     The internal clock has a new LOW mode that allows to use it as a traditional sample and hold.
  •     The module now accepts external clock signals, so it can be synced to other modules.
  •     New clock output. Now the C105 can be used as a master clock.
  •     The passive first order HPF has been replaced for a voltage controlled second order HPF.


The C105 is based on a Sample and Hold with an internal clock that goes from 0,2Hz up to 44KHz and it can be voltage controlled. This wide frequency range and two FM inputs ( one with a reversible attenuator ) allow to create subtle or harsh digital and aliassing effects. The internal noise generator in combination with the S&H make a perfect way to create pitched noises, random voltages, sound FXs etc. In addition, there is also a 12db VC controlled high pass filter with an independent output.

The C105 can be used in many different ways:

  •     Sample rate reducer
  •     Noise generator
  •     Voltage controlled High pass filter
  •     Random voltage generator
  •     Random gate generator
  •     Sample and Hold
  •     VC Clock
  •     Square wave oscillator


The Lo-Fi input is normalized to the internal noise generator.

The C105 Voltage Controlled Noise / Lo-Fi Machine MKII is built using high quality electronic components, Switchcraft jacks, NKK switches, Cosmo knobs (the same used in the Moog Modulars) , black anodized aluminium front panel

Pricing and Availability:
215 € + VAT

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