Electronic Music Festival Announced

US The fourth 'The Seventh Wave Festival of Electronic Music' comes to Birmingham, UK      26/06/17

Electronic Music Festival Announced

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The festival's organisers tell us that, in September/October of 2017, the fourth 'The Seventh Wave Festival of Electronic Music' takes place across three days. For a relatively small festival (venue capacities are 100 only) The Seventh Wave continues to get some of the biggest names in electronic and progressive music.

This time around you can feast your eyes and ears on Banco de Gaia (Banco de Gaia's Toby Marks will be exploring the gentler end of his catalogue, presenting ambient works old and new), Tim Bowness (a musician primarily known as vocalist/co-writer with the band No-Man, a long-running collaboration with Steven Wilson [Porcupine Tree]) and Roger Limb & Mark Ayres (original members of The Radiophonic Workshop).

Tickets can be purchased for individual events from Skiddle.

Here's more details from the festival's organisers...

The Seventh Wave Festival of Electronic Music: Number 4

Friday 29 September, 2017
Toby Marks (Banco de Gaia) and Andrew Heath

Banco de Gaia's Toby Marks will be exploring the gentler end of his catalogue, presenting ambient works old and new accompanied by live improvisation and manipulation. Ranging from cinematic grandeur through tender minimalism to otherworldly fantasies, this performance will take you to places of beauty rarely visited.

In performance, Andrew Heath re-interprets his studio work weaving multiple layers of textural field recordings balanced with ethereal whispers of electronic sound and half-glimpsed piano melodies. Recent performances have seen him add acoustic instruments to his palette often bowed or e-bowed, but certainly not played conventionally. This is immersive, ambient music. It drifts. It constantly shifts as it charts new topographies, creating and following maps that are full of change.

Visuals will be provided by video artist Patrick Dunn (Banco de Gaia, Tangerine Dream, Afro Celt Sound System) who blends real world imagery and computer generated graphics to create a mesmerising, immersive world.

Friday 29 September 2017 Doors 6.30 pm
Curfew 10.00 pm
Blue Orange Theatre 118 Great Hampton Street Birmingham B18 6AD

Saturday 30 September, 2017
Tim Bowness (no-man) and Band, featuring Colin Edwin (Porcupine Tree/Ex-Wise Heads)

Tim Bowness is a British musician, primarily known as vocalist/co-writer with the band No-Man, a long-running collaboration with Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree).
In addition to releasing six studio albums and a documentary dvd with no-man, Tim has worked with popular Italian artist Alice, Robert Fripp, Hugh Hopper (Soft Machine), OSI and Roxy Music's Phil Manzanera (amongst many others), and is a member of the bands Henry Fool, Memories Of Machines and Slow Electric.
Tim recorded the album Flame (1994) with Richard Barbieri (Porcupine Tree/ex-Japan), co-produced/co-wrote the acclaimed Talking With Strangers (2009) for Judy Dyble (ex-Fairport Convention), and continues to collaborate with Peter Chilvers (Brian Eno/Karl Hyde).
He has also released four solo albums, My Hotel Year (2004), Abandoned Dancehall Dreams (2014), Stupid Things That Mean The World (July 2015) and Lost in the Ghost Light (2017).
Since 2001, Tim has co-run the specialist online label/store Burning Shed with Pete Morgan.

Saturday 30 September 2017 Doors 6.30 pm
Curfew 10.00 pm
Blue Orange Theatre 118 Great Hampton Street Birmingham B18 6AD

Sunday 01 October, 2017

Mark Ayres and Roger Limb from The Radiophonic Workshop - an afternoon of Stories and Music

Press quotes on The Radiophonic Workshop:
The electronic Buena Vista Social Club - The Observer
The British Kraftwerk. Total genius - NME
They were doing a whole new thing and it opened our eyes to what was possible - Paul McCartney
Sexagenarian space-rockers, somewhere between Hawkwind and Pink Floyd, but with a loud, very modern electronic punch – The Telegraph
...... more than 15 years after the Workshop was decommissioned, original members Peter Howell, Roger Limb, Dr Dick Mills, Paddy Kingsland and Mark Ayres reformed the workshop and are making new music that once again challenges the senses and pushes at the margins of technology. Drawing on the principles of musique concréte, found sounds, early electronics, oscillators, handmade equipment, synths and crude tape loops the Workshop created the other-worldly soundtrack to some of BBC television and radio's most iconic programs: The Body in Question, Horizon, Quatermass, Newsround, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Chronicle and Delia Derbyshire's iconic Doctor Who Theme - still the high-water mark for electronic music nearly 50 years after it was recorded.

Sunday 01 October 2017 Doors 1.30 pm
Curfew 5.00 pm
Blue Orange Theatre 118 Great Hampton Street Birmingham B18 6AD

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