Soundtrack Loops Releases Funk Lounge

US 12 construction kits for producing Funk, Space Disco and more      05/03/14

Soundtrack Loops Releases Funk Lounge

Soundtrack Loops tells us that their new Funk Lounge collection offers 12 construction kits for producing Funk, Space Disco, Latin, Downtempo, Funky Breakbeats, and Chill Out.

  • 160 broadcast quality loops (includes 13 promo loops from the Soundtrack Loops Funk Guitars pack)
  • Sounds include electric bass guitar, beats, brass, organs, synths, percussion, and SFX.
  • Tempos synced with BPM and root note in file names as well as in the meta-data.
  • Formats: (24-bit 44.1kHz Stereo):ACIDized .wav /Apple-looped .aif / Ableton Live .alp and racks

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