Online Audio Optimization Service Improved

US MaximalSound updates its online algorithm      23/08/11

Online Audio Optimization Service Improved

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Since 2009, has been offering an online audio optimization service. Based on a proprietary algorithm, this service allows indie productions, small labels and musicians to release their productions with the best technical specifications and supports every music genres from metal to hip-hop, from classical to country music.
MaximalSound tell us that this new version improves the micro-dynamic perception and the tonal balance while preserving the original hot loudness. The safety margin has been increased in order to facilitate further lossy encoding for digital distribution platforms such as iTunes, MySpace or Youtube. How MaximalSound describe their service:
  • State-of-the-art processing
  • Unlimited number of free samples for approval before purchase
  • Aggressive pricing policy based on the size of the processed files
  • The job is generally available within one hour
Pricing and Availability:
You can test the service for free.
MaximalSound 2.0 will be online on September 1st at 12.00 am (western Europe time).
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