Control All Plug-Ins From One Window

US Vertex DSP release vxPlug v1.0.0 in VST for Mac OSX and Window      21/12/07

Control All Plug-Ins From One Window

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Vertex DSP tell us that vxPlug has been developed to control plug-ins in a multitrack setup from just one plug-in editor window. vxPlug can load VST plug-ins within a host application with the ability to
  • control plug-ins from a single user interface, and
  • define the point where audio processing takes place in a flexible manner.
vxPlug actually consists of 2 plug-ins: vxPlugControl and vxPlugClient.
vxPlugControl loads VST plug-ins and controls their parameters. Host parameter automation is supported.
The point of processing audio in the host application is determined by vxPlugClient. Every instance of vxPlugClient is able to send and receive audio data to/from vxPlugControl. Within vxPlugControl, the audio data is routed to the plug-ins you have loaded before.
You can use up to 16 instances of vxPlugControl and up to 128 instances of vxPlugClient.
Examples of Usage
  • Use your favorite track EQs during mixing while controlling the EQs from one single user interface. To measure the results in realtime, Vertex DSP's MultiInspector will be of great help. vxPlug in combination with MultiInspector works like an advanced multitrack EQ with spectrum analyzer.
  • Check audio effects at different points in the effect chain of the host application by simply switching the audio connection in vxPlugControl. No effect unloading and reloading needed.
  • Setup measurement points in the effect chain and switch between them.
Pricing and Availability:
$49 USD, 39 Euro, £30.54 GBP
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