Korg Berlin have impressed us at recent Superbooth shows in Berlin, with their innovative designs and approach to electro-acoustic instruments. Here we have a tour of their Berlin HQ with Tatsuya Takahashi aka Tats, sharing their workspace, prototyping areas, and detailing some product development. It's great to see a company embracing innovation and we can't wait to see what they come up with when it's market ready. Here is the video we shot at Superbooth...
Some info on the tour...
The founder and luminary behind Korg Berlin provided us with an up-close look and demonstration of their latest prototype, the Acoustic Synth Phase 8. After getting a look at the Phase 5 prototype at Superbooth last year, we were eager to see the advancements in the prototype's development.
Phase 8 offers five distinct tonalities, each with an eight-step sequencer and uses tuned metal forks to generate fundamental notes and overtones, similar to tined instruments like an electric piano, though in the case of a Phase 8, no physical, internal hammer ever touches them. These forks are tuned and controlled by magnetic coils and modulated through various control to blend the physical and electronic, creating sounds that feel alive--like guitar strings, xylophone keys, or flute air, all within electronic synthesis.
Read the full blog post here https://reverb.com/news/video-inside-korg-berlin-home-of-acoustic-electronic-synthesis
About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.