McDSP APB-16 Is Back With Thunderbolt

US New USB-C style connector supports Thunderbolt 3 and Thunderbolt 4 ports      11/01/23

McDSP APB-16 Is Back With Thunderbolt

McDSP has announced that its programmable analog processor, the APB-16, is back in full production. They tell us that new APB units come with a USB-C style connector that supports Thunderbolt 3 and Thunderbolt 4 ports on both Intel and Apple silicon Macs and operates at twice the bandwidth of the original APB units that came with Thunderbolt 2.

New and original APB units can be used interchangeably in the same system. Native APB drivers and APB plug-ins are available for Intel and Apple silicon processors running Mac OS 10.13.x (High Sierra) or later. The latest APB plug-ins also take advantage of recent mac OS improvements in graphics rendering on both Intel and Apple silicon processors.

The latest APB drivers and APB plug-ins can be downloaded here.

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