In light of the devastating events in Ukraine, Audio-Technica has released a limited-edition turntable slipmat, featuring artwork by Eugene Berd, a Ukraine-based calligraphy and lettering artist. One-hundred percent of the profits will be split evenly between the largest children's hospital in Ukraine and the animal charity UAnimals.
The design was inspired by Ukrainian culture with the hope of connecting people around the world. The design focuses on Ukraine's iconic symbols, like the blue and yellow palette of colors and flowers, which are meant to represent peace and life. Each symbol, including the mandala-like art pieces, were chosen through a long period of researching European and Arabic calligraphy. Berd's goal was to bring these classical ideas into modern mediums, from old vinyl records to skateboards, mirrors, and now turntable slipmats.
The 12-inch slipmat is 2mm thick (+/-0.5mm) and made from medium-density felt. A-T tells us that it is glazed on the printed side, providing extra slip and rigidity, while remaining silky smooth, and that the latest printing methods have been used to ensure every slipmat captures the detail and vibrancy of Berd's design. The printed design leaves no raised areas on the surface of the mat.
The limited-edition slipmats will be available exclusively at www.audio-technica.com and fit all Audio-Technica turntables.
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