The Korg MS-20 and MS-10 are both revered synths, with the latter having a few less features - but which one do you prefer? In this video Look Mum No Computer covers the reason why he prefers the MS-10, which was produced in 1978. He lists the filter chip and the overall presence as key reasons for the decision and shows it in action, covering the screaming resonance and the beefy direct signal to low pass filter. Expect to hear some spacey sound effects, fat bass tones, and some lovely PWM!
He later boils it down to a single-oscillator PWM sound, sawtooth synthlines, it's gorgeous white noise, and supreme resonance. Look out for a special guest appearance with "Plinky sounds". More videos from Look Mum No Computer here:
Which do you prefer?
About the author [midierror]: midierror makes nifty Max For Live devices, innovative music hardware, award winning sample packs and hosts a podcast speaking to people in the music world.