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WNAMM10: Metasonix Valve Drum Machine And More
D-1000, and MIDI CV modules 21/01/10
Sorry this is a flash video which has been depreciated, we're working on bringing the archives back online.
4:46 mins
Always a treat to see what the enigmatic Eric Barbour is up to, and this year is no different with the D-1000,afour voice all valve drum machine, with flexible trigger and CV and IO.
As we've come to love and expect from Metasonix products, it;s not like anything you've ever heard before and any similarities to any standard drum machine sounds are purely accidental.
I must say I was a little disappointed that its not got an excruciatingly obscene name - perhaps we should offer some suggestions to replace the rather pedestrian D-1000 moniker?
Also on display was the not working R-60 self tuning MIDI CV interface.