Synth Site: Korg: Electribe EMX-1: User reviews Add review

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Average rating: 4.5 out of 5
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Zephyr from NYC writes:
Hey Just bought the EMX-1, really great unit so far! Rocks with the other Electribes too! I love this thing really easy to use and the effect sound great I cant belive there are three effects part to this thing that can be chained in any way! I have no complaints about this one. It's has its own sound to it very digital but turn up the tubes and it gets nasty! sythisizer sounds like the moss board in a triton!

Rating: 5 out of 5 posted Wednesday-Dec-10-2003 at 13:24
Shawn Miller a part-time user from usa writes:
Hey Just bought the EMX-1, really great unit so far! Rocks with the other Electribes too! I love this thing really easy to use and the effect sound great I cant belive there are three effects part to this thing that can be chained in any way! I have no complaints about this one. It's has its own sound to it very digital but turn up the tubes and it gets nasty! sythisizer sounds like the moss board in a triton!

Rating: 5 out of 5 posted Tuesday-Dec-09-2003 at 22:09
Han a professional user from USA writes:
People, Please. This is a realy step forward for music production. It does not sound cheap IMO. It can really stand up to other more costly beat boxes. Why would anyone talk crap about a product they don't even own. It has good and bad points I am sure. It is not meant to do everything. I own a Waldorf Q and the step sequencer is great. I have used them together, with the EMX1 as the master and the Q playing back it's polyphonic step sequencer! Sure it has some bad points. Even the Waldorf has bad points about it. I think the EMX1 sounds great and adds allot to my sonic array of syth's. I just had to have a few hours with it to realize how great this thing is.

Rating: 4 out of 5 posted Tuesday-Dec-09-2003 at 18:30
Brothel a professional user from Swiss Cheese writes:
The LFO has no effect on drum sections! That really SUKS! Most electronic styles of today are stagnant, in a drum sense. If you want that "Cyber-Electro" groove, you'll have to use one of the onboard effects (which by the way isn't as organic-sounding as an LFO or BPM syncd). The knobs are small and made of cheap plastic. The Yamaha DX-200, for example has fat/rugged rubber knobs.

The Sounds are toyish. A typical drawback on a post 90s instrument. A real 808/909/Linn Drum, or real vintage synths etc. does'nt sound like toys to me. Digital Technology sounds airy and flat no matter how much knob ajustment you try. To me, analog still crushes digital. Companies of today try to emulate the classic legendary machines, but only succeed in doing so with a unit that costs over $1900 US. Forget it period. Korg, Roland and Yamaha put out Cheap sounding stuff for the A-typical idiot American consumers who keep buying this garbage. Just my two cents.

Rating: 2 out of 5 posted Tuesday-Dec-09-2003 at 16:53
Micky a part-time user from US writes:
It can't do everything like a full on liner sequencer like Tritons or a computer based one but it's not meant to anyways.

Build quality 5 Overall sound 5 Synth sound 4 Sequencer 4

Value = 4

Rating: 4 out of 5 posted Tuesday-Dec-09-2003 at 16:34
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