Synth Site |  Yamaha |  TX-802 module

  TX-802 module At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: Late 80's (1986?)  Specifications
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Van Fischer writes:
I was first introduced to the TX-802 in college in the late 80's and thought these units were very cool. I made a lot of compositions with these units and to this day still desire certain sounds from these units. While the TX-802 is essentially a vintage synth now, it should not be overlooked for the value it can add to any home midi studio. The TX-802 is not the easiest synth to use, but a little time is all that it takes to figure out the basics. Sure this unit is crap at acoustic sounds, but that is what samplers are for. I have not found a synth yet that can come close to the bell sounds and electric pianos of the TX-802.

Comments About the Sounds:
The TX-802 is the rackmount version of the DX-7II with a few added touches. It is an FM synth, so it excellent at re-creating electric pianos, brass, analog sounds, and bells. It is not too good when it comes to drums, acoustic pianos, and saxaphones. A required piece of gear in my opinion since the DX7 is such a legendary synth. There are thousands of patches available for this synth (can take DX7 and DX7II patches).

(Thanks to Van Fischer for this info.)
and mesmer for the pic

Links for the Yamaha TX-802 module
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
TX-802 TX-802 information
Patchman Music TX802 Soundbanks Professional soundbanks for the TX802
SOUND OF MUSIC's DX/TX PAGE with Pictures, Info, Patches and More
The Patch King The Best Sounds @ The Best Prices. Thousands of new sounds for over 100 Synths and Samplers. Check us out!
Deep Synthesis Page Editor to make DX as a 2DCO synth, Sound examples
TX802 mp3 demos mp3 demos of the TX802
JSynthLib Free Universal Editor Librarian. Supports TX802 and many other synths.

Try the Yamaha links page for more..

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