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  A-5000 At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1999  Specifications
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chertzy writes:
Yamaha enter the "serious" sampler market with the new A5000 (and to a lesser extent, the smaller A4000).They seem to have pitched a "middle ground" between the big 2, by offering excellent sound creation and processing, and very serious polyphony/facilities. There are 2 reasons to consider this model over the industry standard Akais.. 1) Effects......EXCELLENT......just start with a simple sound and completely screw with it until it sounds like a different GENRE of instrument. 6 simultaneous, seriously smooth-sounding effects. 2) filters.......though losing out to the Emu's in the "crazy sound mangling" dept, the filters on this VERY good, very varied, and above all....they sound warm. No horrible digi harshness....I'm impressed. An excellent all-round instrument at a very good price.

(Thanks to chertzy for this info.)

Links for the Yamaha A-5000
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
bZone - The ultimate editor for your Yamaha A-series sampler
A3/4/5k usergroup (in Finnish) OK, You can talk to english too -but just a littlebit ;)
The Patch King The Worlds Largest 3rd Party Synth & Sampler Developers. Thousands of New Sounds for over 100 Synths & Samplers on Floppy, CD-ROM or Zip Disks. samples & loops
Sound On Sound UK review
User reviews on Harmony Central
Electronic Musician review

Try the Yamaha links page for more..

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