Synth Site |  Firstman | Firstman | sq10

  sq10 At a Glance
Picture needed arrowReleased: early 80's ??  Specifications
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David B writes:
The firstamn sq10 is a strange sequencer keyboard. It's not a step sequencer but a computer controlled sequencer. You have a little memory bank with leds that lid up when you start recording your sequence. When the leds stop burning your out of memory. it simply records what you play whitout resolution or quantizing!! It's tricky to use if you want perfect stable sequences but great fun for experimental stuff. You have 4 channels for sequence memory so you can switch between 4 recorded sequences. You can set the sequence mode to endless run or single run. You have manual and restart keyboard mode. You can record a sequence and play with it on the keyboard, when using restart for examle every time you press a key the sequence starts running from that key. It's great for staircase fx and c64/sidlike arpeggio's. The keyboard is a good cv/gate controller with linear and exponential outputs. You can adjust range, frequency and slope of the controlled synth. works perfectly with korg's Hz/v and other synths with octave/volt. it also has a portamento function. A rare and strange device.

feel free to mail me with questionsor/and info about this thing.


(Thanks to David B for this info.)

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