Synth Site |  Crumar |  Roady

  Roady At a Glance
Picture needed arrowReleased: 1970's  Specifications
arrowUser rating: 4.2/5 |  Read reviews (5)
Dagman writes:
The 'Roady' is a great vintage analogue electric piano, with a great variety of warm sounds to tinker with. The keys are sprung and unweighted, and have a lovely feel. Eight knobs and eight buttons allow realtime control of the sounds on the face. The three main e.piano voices are a smooth one, a brighter one and a zinggy clavi-style one. The bottom two octaves can be assigned to an organ-style warm, open bass that sounds great. What really brings the voices to life though is the addition of the 'vibes' section. this can be mixed in under/over the piano voices with knobs to control tremelo rate and depth, and an organ style percussive key-press sound. A blinking light to show the current tremelo rate is a nice touch. all buttons have lights to show they're activated... a plus for gigging in darker clubs.

The 'Roady's flexibility comes from ample provision of volume knobs for each section (bass, vibes/percussion and piano). an additional volume knob for each of the three piano voices would make this keyboard a real winner... but i'm not complaining. The three jack outputs provide separate bass and piano outputs for even more control of the mix.

My only initial frustration with this keyboard was the premature decay of notes. This is no real problem, and can be reasonably compensated for by using a sustain pedal. The keyboard is also quite heavy (as you expect for a beast of the era) but certainly not unbearable for lone handling and regular gigging. Dig those wood-panel ends.

For a legit retro analog e.piano sound (without velocity) this is a very nice piece. i use mine for funk and lounge stuff, but stick a phaser pedal on it, and you'd have a great sound for house or other electronic music.

Comments About the Sounds:
Really an analog electric piano. Quite a few variations possible, with juxtaposition and mixing of voices.

(Thanks to Dagman for this info.)

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