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  HS1 At a Glance
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Akira Fzen writes:
This keyboard is what I believe to be a Casio FZ-1. It is identical (from what I know) to the FZ-1 except it's lighter color of case. Look on the FZ-1's page for much more information. These are hard to find!

Having said that, the FZ series are pretty cool samplers. 16-bit, 33khz & less, additive synth built in, draw your own waveforms... look on the Casio FZ pages.

(Thanks to Akira Fzen for this info.)
and Harald from Germany for the pic

Links for the Hohner HS1
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
Dave's HS1 A short description/opinion/picture of my HS1
Harmonicas and Stuff We sell Hohner, Lee Oskar, Suzuki and Hering harmonicas. We take pride in Fast Shipping!
Harp Depot Discounted harmonicas,ukulele,accordions,harmonica forum,Bean Blossom Blues Festival
Harmonicas and Stuff We sell Lee Oskar, Hohner, Hering, Suzuki, Weltmeister, Seydel harmonicas at discount prices. We also sell accordions, saxophones, melodicas and more! Call us toll free at 1-888-802-4277.
The Best Li'l Harp House The largest retail distributor of harmonicas inside of the United States. Fantastic prices, Superior service and Absolutley Everything Harmonica. (877) 274-2776 Toll Free
Hohner HS1 @ deep!sonic Find some rare picts behind the panel

Try the Hohner links page for more..

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