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  MFB Synth II At a Glance
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Alien Nesby writes:
The MFB Synth II makes for a fine example of dynamite coming in small packages. Stellar in regard to synth basses, synth leads, and effects, and, though not advertised as a 303 emulator (nor should it be), it's quite good at delivering acid like timbres. You can also squeeze a fair amount of drum timbres out of it, but it's a far cry from being a great drum synth. If one is to compare it to other synths out there, I'd say think of it as a mini-moog on steroids.

The MIDI implementation on this synth was a pleasent surprise. All knobs transmit MIDI information, the VCA can respond to velocity (as can the filter), there is an ability to assign what an external modulation wheel effects on the synth, and pitchbend wheel effect values also offer a slight amount of tweakability. Another nice touch is that when calling back saved patches knobs go into "pick up" mode, that is to say, any tweaks made to the knobs do not have an effect until they move past/through the default values of the given patch.

It's sequencer is decent, and capable of carrying out 32 steps, though only 16 of those steps are editable on the fly. I will note here that I have issues when it comes to getting the sequencer to send MIDI note on/off information out, though I'm guessing this may just be a problem with my particular unit.

Though the Synth II lacks a keyboard, it does have buttons along it's bottom which serve multiple purposes, one of which is that of a 2 octave non-velocity sensitive keyboard.

The largest draw back to MFB-SynthII isn't in the machine itself, but rather the manual, which is hard to follow at times and not always accurate in the information it provides. One should expect to spend a little time figuring out how to actually accomplish some of the task on the MFB that are noted in the manual but instructed on incorrectly. (I'll note that I am refering to the english edition of the manual).

All in all, for those looking for a very capable bass/lead synth, or perhaps even a 303 or mini-moog emulator with some unique capabilities of it's own, the Synth II is definately worthy of consideration.

Comments About the Sounds:
Stellar in regard to phat synth basses, synth leads, and effects. And though not advertised as a 303 emulator (nor should it be), it's quite good at delivering acid like timbres.

(Thanks to Alien Nesby for this info.)
and Alien Nesby (Supplied picture; picture taken from for the pic

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