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  Theremin At a Glance
Picture needed arrowReleased: 1994  Specifications
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Adam Aurex writes:
The Theremin was invented in 1918 by Leon Theremin and has now been brought back to life by Longwave and Big Briar, it is played by moving the hand closer to an aerial which causes the pitch to rise, a second Aerial (or plate on this model) does volume changes. as there is no reference to note positions it is VERY hard to play tunes on, but with practice it can be done, (ask Lydia Kavina or Bruce Wooley). Usually it is used for creating SFX (via a Quadraverb or similar) or also to control an Analog synths filter via a Pitch to voltage converter. The Longwave is beautifully made and varies in price depending on finish. Kits also available.. A Totally unique instrument/controller

Comments About the Sounds:
Great for weird spooky noises, thwaps and zaps,

(Thanks to Adam Aurex for this info.)

Links for the Longwave Theremin
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
Great Theremin Page - is the largest theremin site on the web.

Try the Longwave links page for more..

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