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  MS6 At a Glance
Click for larger view arrowReleased: 1988-89  Specifications
arrowUser rating: 3.8/5 |  Read reviews (22)
Colin Hird writes:
The MS6 has a lousey user interface but patience will reward you with authentic analogue type sounds from this digital module. The filter is a 4 pole digital emulation which can be pushed to self resonate. The two DCO's have Triangle, Sawtooth and Square waveforms (Noise on DCO2 included). The two oscillators have the facility to be modulated from one of the two enevelope generators (one is hard wired to the DCA), or the single LFO. Pulse width modulation is via envelopes or dedicated LFO (can't be re-routed or used for any other purpose). Oscillators have the facility to be synced and their relative volumes can be balanced prior to being fed into the filter. The DCO's DCF DCA and ENV can be modulated via velocity, aftertouch (channel). Of course the unit also responds to Pitch bend and mod wheel as well as sustain pedal and midi volume.

The unit is six part multitibral but each performance has to be told how many notes are allocated to each individual part! (that is voices are not dynamically allocated). Other down sides are the single audio output and the fact that the Sysex implimentation is dedicated to saving and loading patches and performance data! Therefore any real time sound editing during a performance has to be done via modulation sources.

All in all though a good little box this is quite good at those filter FX & percusssion beloved by Kraftwerk and the dance fraternity.

A good buy as a pad and bass machine for realatively little outlay.

Comments About the Sounds:
Very much a digital emulation of an analogue synth. Basses are deep, leads are scorching, pads are full. The filter can be push to self oscillate and growl like the best of them. On the whole the unit has a full sound but don't expect a prophet! All sounds sit well in a mix. The weird and wonderful expand your sonic palette in a way that no other cheesey synth will! Remeber that this unit has no internal FX but the Pulse width of the Square wave can be modulated for psuedo chorus effects, (note also the two oscillators can be detuned).

(Thanks to Colin Hird for this info.)
and Kristofer Maad for the pic

Links for the Cheetah MS6
 More Synth Gear  Best US prices on many current models
MS6 Edit parameters In case the lettering's worn off your synth or you
Cheetah MS6 Resource Center Online user's manual, patch editor software, info,
The Cheetah MS6 Resource Centre Really the ONLY site for MS6 A place for information about some synths, and a price database for dj gear.

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